POWER: March is Fire Prevention Month. Next to carelessness, faulty electrical wiring and equipment have been identified as the cause of fires in Metro Manila. The community is reminded to check electric fans and air conditioning units for unusual operation that may warrant repair. Leaving air con units and electric fans on all night and on weekends have caused fires many times in the past.
Combustible materials that may fuel a fire should also be disposed of. March is an ideal time to throw old files, unserviceable equipment and broken furniture, particularly those stored in electrical rooms.
Energy Conservation Measures: It has been six months since the community has been encouraged to institute energy conservation measures. Below is the comparison of electricity used by school units this year compared to the same period last year:
Loyola Schools
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http://www.ateneo.edu/upp/qsr/4thquarter070307.htm 2005
High School
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http://www.ateneo.edu/upp/qsr/4thquarter070307.htm 2005
Grade School
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http://www.ateneo.edu/upp/qsr/4thquarter070307.htm 2005
Because there are more activities and construction projects this year, electrical consumption has increased. The community’s effort to conserve energy cannot be quantified at this time but it helped in controlling the rising cost of electricity.
COMMUNICATION: Upgrading of the PABX and Internet systems is ongoing. Civil works, delivery of equipment, installation and commissioning of the systems will be completed in the summer. Both the upgraded PABX and Internet systems will be online by the first semester next school year.
WATER: 4th quarter potability tests for all cisterns and overhead tanks in all campuses are scheduled next week. Results will be released the following week.
TRAFFIC: Miriam College’s graduation ceremonies for College, High School and Grade School are scheduled from 21 to 25 March. Traffic is expected to be better this year than last year, when graduation ceremonies of Miriam College and Ateneo were held at about the same time.
The design for the 2007-2008 gate pass stickers to be issued 1 April 2007 are shown below:
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http://www.ateneo.edu/upp/qsr/4thquarter070307.htmSECURITY: Security apprehended three UP Fine Arts students and an Ateneo alumnus painting graffiti at the footbridge near Gate 2.5 at 9:40 last Sunday night, 4 March as shown below:
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http://www.ateneo.edu/upp/qsr/4thquarter070307.htm Apprehended UP students and Ateneo alumnus responsible for the graffiti with their paraphernalia.
Although located outside the campus, Ateneo exercises shared jurisdiction over them because one leg of the two footbridges is on Ateneo property. Ateneo also provides the lights, security guard and maintains the cleanliness of these footbridges. This fact is acknowledged by the Quezon City Government, Barangay Loyola Heights and MMDA officials. Ateneo had the graffiti removed last Tuesday, 6 March. See below:
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http://www.ateneo.edu/upp/qsr/4thquarter070307.htm Losses on campus: The bulk of losses on campus is due to personal belongings carelessly left behind in classrooms, benches and public transportation (taxi and tricycles). Many are recovered but about the same number are also not recovered.
A case worthy of note is that of a 2nd year coed who left her laptop in a tricycle last Monday, 5 March. When she realized that it was missing at 6:40 p.m., the tricycle was gone and she did not know the tricycle body no. Fortunately, Mr. Reynaldo Diamzon, driver of LPTODA green tricycle No. 093 informed the coed that he saw the laptop inside an LPTODA green tricycle No. 087.
In the meantime, Mr. Andrew Sumalpong Sumuroy, driver of tricycle No. 087noticed the laptop in his tricycle and on his own, went to the security office at 7:10 p.m. of the same day to turn it over. By 9:10 p.m., the coed received her laptop from the honest driver shown below.
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http://www.ateneo.edu/upp/qsr/4thquarter070307.htm Left: Mr. Andrew Sumalpong Sumuroy at the security office with the missing laptop.
Right: Grateful coed receiving her laptop from Mr. Sumuroy.
Last Monday, 5 March at 8:25 a.m., a coed left her backpack with her laptop inside in PLDT CTC 202 while she went to the toilet. When she returned, her backpack was missing. She reported the incident to her father, who immediately came to Ateneo. After checking with security and searching the area, they found the backpack in PLDT CTC 203 with her laptop, cell phone and wallet intact.
Another backpack with a laptop and a couple of Sony Handy cams have been found in bags unattended and turned over ADSA last Tuesday and Wednesday. Hopefully the owners will claim them soon.
A more serious security concern is the car break-in last Tuesday, 6 March where a laptop was stolen. The laptop was left at the back seat of the car. The thief broke a side window to steal the laptop. This happened near the Gate 2.5 carpark beside the football field. This area has been included in the route of the roving guard. Motorists who keep their belongings inside their cars are again reminded to conceal their valuables so they are not seen from the outside.
PARKING: Center parking barriers are being installed at the Northwest carpark for a more organized parking in the area shown below.
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http://www.ateneo.edu/upp/qsr/4thquarter070307.htmBAN ON BURNING ON CAMPUS: The Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Clean Air Act (RA 8749) prohibits burning of trash, leaves, twigs, grass, and weeds on campus. The community is requested to observe this.
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uppa@admu.edu.ph4th Quarter Status Report 7 March 2007 is also posted at