Institutions Hosting the Sumilao Farmers and other concerns
Dear All,
Peace in Christ.
Thank you so much for attending the general assembly yesterday. Here is the list of Schools/institutions/groups/parishes who will be hosting the Sumilao farmers:
Jan 17, 2008 (Thursday) - Presscon at Arzobispado
Jan 18, 2008 (Friday) - De La Salle University
Jan 19, 2008 (Saturday) - Sta Isabel
- Adamson University (to be confirmed)
Jan 20, 2008 (Sunday) - Sta Cruz Parish
Jan 21, 2008 (Monday) - Sta Rita College
- University of Sto Tomas
Jan 22, 2008 (Tuesday) - CBCP
- Asilo
Jan 23, 2008 (Wednesday) - Ateneo de Manila University
Jan 24, 2008 (Thursday) - University of the Philippines
- La Consolascion Convent (to be finalized)
Jan 25, 2008 (Friday) - Mendiola Consortium (to be arranged)
The General Schedule in each stop over of the Sumilao farmers in each institution/school/parish will be:
9:00AM – Arrival of the Farmers
Forum / Program - To be organized by the hosting institution/group
Overnight Stay
8:00Am the following day - departure of the Sumilao farmers together with the
contingent from host school/group
Aside from the food provisions/meals and/or the accomodations, the Sumilao farmers and its support groups are humbly requesting if the host school/institution/group could possibly arrange for the following during their stay:
Forum / Program - to be attended by students/faculty/partner
Contingent - the host school/group/institution is requested to have a
small contingent (50 individuals: students/teachers etc.)
who could also join the farmers in marching going to the
next host/venue.
Should you have any question/query/concern, please don't hesitate to communicate with me through the following: 0927-3382282 and 4266101 local 3441.
Let us all be one with our farmer-brothers and sisters in their fight for social justice.
Thank you and God bless.
Project Officer for Political Affairs
Simbahang Lingkod ng Bayan
Mobile: 0927-3382282
Landline: 426-6101 local 4331
Telefax: 426-5968
Listen to CGE: Citizenship by Good Example
(An SLB - Radyo Veritas 846 Radio Program)
Every Saturday from 11:15AM to 11:55AM
-- Karl Vendell Satinitigan
SOSS Freshmen Power Dinner
Have you ever missed that opportunity because you felt they were too out of reach?
A chance to ask all those questions.
A chance to get to the deeper meaning.
A chance to find out how they did it.
A chance to find out how YOU can do it.
The SOSS Freshmen Power Dinner (SFPD) is a one night event where students will have a chance to dine with 6 established speakers from the fields of Media, Politics, Law, Medicine and Business. This event will be held on the 25th of January, Friday 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm at the MVP Roofdeck. Only 10 students per speaker will be accommodated. Slot reservation and entrance fee is 250 pesos.
For reservations and information, do not hesitate to approach your block representative.
Brought to you by the School Of Social Sciences Freshmen School Board
Hannah Sabrina B. Cocos 0915.432.30. 59
*Did you get a QPI of at least 3.35 during any of the last 2 semesters?
*Then confirm your slot at Dela Costa Conference Room 1 on January 21-25, 2008 for this year's Honors Assembly!
Be the Student Panelist of MediaTalk@ADMU 3!!!

Media & Public Connection
January 30, 2008
Submit a one-page paper about your experiences with politics that have enabled or disabled your understanding with the Other. Include as well issues in politics that you may confront in the future.
Format: 1 inch margin on all sides, Arial, size 12, one page, single-spaced.
E-mail your papers to mailto:mediatalk.admu@yahoo.comon or before
January 23, 2008.
Don't forget to put in your name, ID number, year and course, and contact numbers. Wait for a notification e-mail that will say if you have been chosen to be the student panelist.
In this third seminar of MediaTalk@ADMU entitled, "Media and Public Connection," scholars from the Department of Communication dialogue with those who are implicated in the abovementioned issue: those who produce political media content, those who consume political media content, and those politically marginalized groups whom the media re-present. In their discussions, they shall try to examine how the media's treatment of those on the political margins enable/disable the active political engagement of the youth.
Da Video Code: Scholars in Motion

· Open to all School of Science and Engineering students of the Ateneo de Manila University.
· Each team should be composed of 5-7 members, with at least three members being scholars.
· Members of the team may come from different batches or courses (within SOSE).
· Only four teams will be allowed to join each general video category, namely:
(Physics, Physics-MSE, Physics-ACS, Chemistry, Chemistry-MSE, Chemistry-ACS, Biology)
b. Mathematics
(Math, AMF, AMC)
c. Health and Environment
(Health Sciences, Environmental Science)
d. Information Technology and Engineering
(Management Information Systems, Computer Science, Electronics and Communications Engineering, Computer Engineering)
· Upon registering, each group should have submitted their storyboard with the following specifications:
Frames must be divided into 3 columns. The group may make use of another board, shall the space be exceeded. (Estimate the frames for a video with a 1-minute duration.)
b. Chosen Video Category, Name of Group, Group Members
Indicate these on the black side of the board legibly. Make sure to label all boards properly, or your entry may be considered void.
· Teams will be required to attend the team-building session on February 2, 2007 in order to finalize entry into the video challenge. Approved storyboards will also be returned on that day.
2. The competition will be divided in to two parts:
One video from each category will be chosen.
b. Final Round
3. Criteria for judging is as follows:
Clarity of Ideas 25%
Relevance to the Topic 25%
Creativity 20%
Appeal to the Audience 20%
Brevity 10%
TOTAL 100%
4. Prizes include the following:
1 service hour credit (for scholars)
b. For the Top 4 Finalists
3 service hours credit (for scholars)
c. For the Over-all Winner
5 service hours credit (for scholars)
PhP 3,000 cash prize
Now Available! ACED Planner 2008
The Ateneo Center for Educational Development (ACED) wishes to offer the Ateneo Community twelve months of great success stories through its ACED Planner 2008!
For only Php 100.00, you will be able to journey through four inspiring stories of development in Philippine Public Education...
- "A Community of Excellent Dedication" : ACED and Eight Partner Public Schools
- "A Commitment to Embodying Dreams" : ACED and the Quezon City Development Project
- "A Conquest to Enhance and Deliver" : ACED and the 4th District of Nueva Ecija Development Project
- " A Christian Engineer for Development" : Fr. Bienvenido Nebres S.J. and the Presidential Coordinating Task Force for Education (PCTFE)
Proceeds of the ACED planner 2008 will help fund and successfully realize ACED's various programs.
If you are interested to avail of our ACED Planner 2008, Please contact, Mr. Joel Barredo or Ms. Alma Sy at 426-5693 or 426-6001 loc. 4028/4029.
Thank you for your utmost support! We hope that you, your friends and family will be able to celebrate a year of bliss and success through the ACED Planner! May God bless you!
In Christ,
ACED Family
January 28- February 1
Wednesday - GK TALK
Thursday - FREEBIE DAY
Friday - VARIETY SHOW feat Sugarfree, CADS, UP
Psalm 66: 1-2
Shout joyfully to God, all you on earth;
sing of his glorious name; give him glorious praise
Christ Awareness Week: The Risen Christ
21-25 January 2008
Christ Awareness Week: "THE RISEN CHRIST"
The LS-Campus Ministry Office invites you to the following:
(1) MASSES during which members of our LS community will share their reflections
Jan 21, Mon, 11:30am
Presider: Fr. Thomas Steinbugler, SJ; Sharer: Ms. Anna Hortaleza-Galvez (Asst to the Dean, JG-SOM)
Jan 21, Mon, 12:30pm
Presider: Fr. Cel Reyes, SJ; Sharer: Ms. Jean Abigail Victoria (Formator, OSCI)
Jan 23, Wed, 11:30am
Presider: Fr. Jim O’Donnell, SJ; Sharer: Ms. Nastasia Tysmans (Junior Student, European Studies)
Jan 23, Wed, 12:30pm
Presider: Fr. William Currie, SJ; Sharer: Carlos Locsin (Junior Student, Psychology)
Jan 24, Thurs, 12:00pm
Sharer: Dr. Stephen Henry Totanes (Faculty, History Department)
(2) an EXHIBIT along our Edsa walk of artworks made by the different studentgroups and organizations
(3) a PRAYER CONCERT on January 25, Friday, 4:45-6:00pm, at the Colayco Pavilionfeaturing the Ateneo College Glee Club, the Ateneo College Ministry Group, Christ’s Commission Fellowship, the Company of Ateneo Dancers, Gene Pool, the Jesuit Scholastics, Kinema and Youth for Christ.
Hope you can join us!
Loyola Schools Campus Ministry Office
Lectures, Seminars, and Talks
The Department of Political Science
cordially invites you
to the
1st PoS 100 Plenary Lecture
"Residual Issues in the Mindanao Peace Process"
Fr. Albert Alejo, SJ
24 January 2008
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Leong Hall
The PoS 100 Plenary Lecture series is envisioned tobe a forum for discussing current events and pressingissues for students taking the core course PoS 100.
This semester's focus is on Mindanao, particularlyissues of peace and conflict, human security, religion,ancestral domain, economic rights and its relationship tothe rest of the Philippines.
Bioseminar: Wild Birds
The Department of Biology and The Biological Organization (eXplore,eXperience, eXcel) would like to invite the Ateneo Community to this year's first BioSeminar.
Ms. Trinket Canlas, faculty member of the Department of Biology, will talk about"Wild Birds of the Philippines". This is an opportunity for everyone to know more about these amazing treasures, many of which are unique to our islands, caught through the lens of a professional bird watcher. Bird enthusiasts shouldn't miss this!
See you all on Wednesday, January 23, 2008 at SEC LecB/SEC-B201 from 4:30 to 6:00 PM.
Russell S. Julian
Department of Biology
Lecture - The Many Face(t)s of Austria
The Department of Modern Languages
School of Humanities
would like to invite you
to a talk on
by Mag. Barbara Naudé, M.A.
Vice Consul and 2nd Secretary
Embassy of Austria
on Tuesday, 22 January, 2008
10:30-12:00 noon
Natividad Galang Fajardo Conference Room
Ground floor, De la Costa Hall
Seminar on Dynamic Macroeconomics
In preparation for the talk and dialogue with Nobel Laureate Professor Finn E. Kydland on 7 February 2008, the Department of Economics is hosting a seminar on the dynamic consistency of economic policy. Developed by Professors Kydland and Edward C. Prescott in 1977, this model is a valauable contribution to the field of dynamic macroecnomics and policy, for which both were awarded the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel in 2004.
Speaker : Luis F. Dumlao, PhD.
Date : Thursday, 24 January 2008, 4:30PM
Place : CTC 102
For further information, contact the Department of Economics (local 5220 to 22)
Heated Styrofoam particles turn into fat. Fat is soluble with food . EWW.
2. Turn off the lights and fans when leaving a room or when not in use.
More electricity = more burning of fossil fuels = bad for environment
3. Segregate.
Green and black are the new primary colors.
4. Carpool.
Cause cute boys and cute girls live in the same village.
5. Use both sides of all papers.
So that's the use of all those
6. Flush wisely .
There are separate ways to dump 1 and 2.
7. Buy just enough food.
20% of the food we buy gets thrown away. Just enough = less waste = more money
8. Keep the air-conditioned rooms closed.
One word: Thermostat .
9. Using the Moro treadmill can cost P 2,000, but jogging up the track costs P 20.
Do the math.
10. Keep your old notes .
Notes from
11. Hairspray out, hairgel in. Hairgel out, ruffled-hair-from-bed look in.
What's up with those chems that destroy the ozone anyway?
12. OHP is so old school (and costs too much energy). PPT rocks .
Click me baby one more time!
13. Reusables are the new Havaianas . Everyone has to have them.
Durable refillable pens and highlighters are available in National Bookstore (MyGel, Faster, Pilot)
14. Fast food in plastic and styro makes you fat fast!
Max's Restaurant has freebies for Ateneans!
15. Sell your trash . Seriously. ( Mang Mario: 09193776842, Mila's Junkshop: 09209062265 )
Tons of paper + truckload of cans = iPod video.
Please forward this email to let your fellow Ateneans know 15 effective ways to save the environment. Thank you!
Maria Cristina I. dela Paz
Ericson John Pacaba
Faith Therese T. Raagas
[jg_som11] I DARE YOU! ASLA launches DARE IT FORWARD!

Dare it Forward aims to redefine what it means and what it takes to LEAD.
This pioneering campaign of the Ateneo Student Leaders Assembly invites and
challenges everyone to be "everyday leaders" through simple acts of self-improvement, service, kindness, sacrifice, and love.
Leadership doesn't need grand gestures.
We believe it happens everyday.
We believe it can be done by anyone, even YOU.
Leadership begins with you,
and through these deeds,
you can be a leader and challenge others to become one too.
What does it take to make a difference?
…is enough to make a DIF.
Seek us out at Kostka Extensionor the Doghouseand SIGN UP to eitherSPONSOR a DARE or
randomly PICK a DARE (and do it!)starting January 16, 2008up to February 22, 2008.
Make a DIF. Be the DIF!
Web news update (Wednesday, 16 January 2008)
For the latest bulletins, news and features on the Ateneo, visit the official university Web site: This week's home page stories:
o Notes on GC 35: The first week in Rome
o 16 Pathways students pass ACET
o Father of Filipino Liturgical Music Eduardo P. Hontiveros, SJ, dies at 84
o ACFJ releases first textbook: Dev Journ
o TA takes Shakespeare to the disco in ‘Hakbang sa hakbang’
o ACT presents ‘High school musical’
o Tanghalang Ateneo brings ‘The death of memory’ to life
o UAAP Season 70 Football and Volleyball Game Schedules
o Applications for 15 fellowships for journalists open till Feb. 29
o Asian Currents off the press
o Schedule of 2008 Fine Arts Festival and SOH Week events
What’s new inside?
o Situation Report January 14, 2007 (Physical Plant)
o Symphonic Ensemble rocks The Podium! (High School)
o It’s Math, Science and Tech Week at AHS! (High School)
o AHS Class 3M records and produces debut album (High School)
Visit your Unit Homepage for updates. Check out 'Ateneo this week' for weekly campus activities. We welcome news, features, and announcements from the Ateneo community. Please send your materials to Thank you!
Pathways Updates
Dear Friends of Pathways,
Happy New Year! Pathways has been off to a good start with 16 Pathwaysstudents geting accepted to the Ateneo. They are:
1 Abril, Karlo Edesson BS Management Engineering
2 Acyapat, Carol Joy AB English Literature
3 Briones, Jeric BSM AMF
4 Caoitan, Klarence BS PS -ACS
5 Cruz, Marie Gene BS Biology
6 Cruz, Marvin BSM AMF
7 De Asis, Dyan BS Psychology
8 Dondon, Sydney BS Management
9 Gadiano, Marjorie AB Psychology
10 Marcial, Joana AB Communications
11 Rellores, Genevee BS Management
12 Samson, Rachel AB Psychology
13 Santioque, Marrie BS Management
14 Santos, Lean AB Psychology
15 Valenzuela, Ma Jealyn AB Communications
16 Volpane, Ayesha Marie AB Political Science
Karlo Edesson Abril also made it to the prestigious Director's List.Every year only the top 2% of all the students who pass the AteneoCollege Entrance Test (ACET) make it to this very exclusive list.
These are the students our very own Ateneo college volunteers mentoredthe past two summers through the Alay ni Ignacio (ANI) summer schoolprogram.
Congratulations! We are all very proud of you!
Solvie T. Nubla
Pathways to Higher Education
Ateneo de Manila University
Tel: +632-426-6001 local 4045-4048
Scholarship Offers for Pathways Students
Dear Friends,
We are even happier to announce that out of the 16 Pathways studentswho passed Ateneo, 5 were generously given full scholarships alreadywhile 2 are awaiting scholarship results by Ateneo's Office ofAdmission & Aid.
This brings the total number of Pathways students in the Ateneo to 26.
When we started five years ago, three students entered the Ateneo. Twohave graduated - Francis Alcausin (BS Math 2007) now works in DeutscheBank while Kim Cholo Torres (BS DS 2007) is a Research Assistant atour very own VP for Loyola Schools' office. The third student, ArchieDolit is graduating this March with a degree in BS ECE.
Since then, we have been able to bridge 23 others, including our veryfirst Payatas student here. Herbel Santiago is now a well-adjustedsophomore student taking up English Literature.
All these students would not have been able to enjoy an Ateneoeducation were it not for the support of our entire Ateneo community.
We are very grateful to:
- the Office of Admission & Aid, for their generosity, understanding andthe emotional support they give to all our scholars;
- All the faculty volunteers, administrators and staff who share theirtime, talent and resources;
- The college students who passionately dedicate their time and talentto mentoring our participants;
- And the rest of the community for the encouragement you send our way andthrough the funds you raise through the Piso Para Kay Isko campaign and our other activities!
In our experience, it has really taken an entire "village" to raise a child. =)
From all of us here at Pathways - thank you, thank you very much!
More updates to come in the coming weeks!
Solvie T. Nubla
Pathways To Higher Education
Ateneo de Manila University
Tel: 426-6001 local 4045-4048
SITUATION REPORT - Monday, 14 January 2008
It may also be downloaded as a Word file from
POWER: Rizal Library’s 1,000 KVA transformer is now energized. Restoration work is being done.
Rizal Library’s new transformer seen from the covered walk towards the exit door of the library.
The MVP Leadership Center is now connected to the Rizal Library transformer. The 500 KVA transformer between the MVP Leadership Center and Rizal Library is being relocated to the Social Sciences building. Pictures above show the transformer being removed and the former site without the transformer.
SECURITY: Workers relocating the Smokers Pocket Garden to the bamboo grove in front of Alingal Hall dug up a World War II artillery projectile yesterday afternoon. This was reported to the PNP this morning. At 7:15 this morning, personnel of the Explosive & Ordnance Division (EOD) came and retrieved the projectile.
Misplaced/Lost, found and returned:
1. 1:45 p.m. Thursday, 10 Jan.: LS student MR. GLENN LOPEZ found a Nokia cell phone on the bench at the waiting shed at the North carpark. This was turned over to the guard and returned to another LS student.
2. 10:20 a.m., Thursday, 10 Jan.: MR. MARVIN BUSCAS waiter at Luyong Restaurant in the Loyola Heights Condominium found a Nokia cellular phone at the South diversion carpark. At 11:25 a.m., a High School parent claimed the cell phone he inadvertently left on the roof of his car.
3. 10:15 p.m., Friday, 11 Jan.: SG ERNESTO T GELLADULA found a Sony Ericsson cell phone at the Eliazo Residence Hall basement. The cell phone was claimed by the owner at 12:43 p.m., Monday, 14 January.
4. 10:45 a.m., Saturday, 12 Jan.: LS student JEREMY J. YOUNG found a black wallet with cash and driver’s license inside the PLDT-CTC 3rd floor male’s toilet. He turned over the wallet to roving guard SG DANILO M ARCUENO. At 1:05 p.m. of the same day the owner claimed the wallet.
5. 4:45 p.m., Wednesday, 9 Jan.: LS student MS. KORRINE BANAL found a Sony Ericsson cell phone at Quad 1 and endorsed it to the MVP Student Leadership Center .
6. 5:30 a.m. Friday, 11 Jan.: MR EDEN B. AROGANTE JSA grounds maintenance crew found a blue cooler at Football field 2.
7. 1:20 p.m. Friday, 11 Jan.: SG EDGAR O VALDINAR central carpark guard found a black wallet on the stairs of SEC B building.
TRAFFIC: Campus security reported that at 2:20 a.m. today, Monday, 14 January two southbound sedans appeared to be racing with each collided at the U-turn slot near Gate 3.5. Both vehicles were heavily damaged. There were no serious injuries to the drivers. One of the drivers is an Ateneo student. Both vehicles were towed and the drivers investigated at Camp Karingal .
Many drivers early in the morning forget that Katipunan is not designed nor intended for racing. Both vehicles were heavily damaged.
On campus, minor accidents continue to happen, resulting in minor damages. A sedan hit the rear of a van at 7:15 this morning at the southbound lane of Fr. Masterson Drive . The vehicles incurred minor damages but there were no injuries to the occupants of the vehicles.
Please email comments to Visit the University Physical Plant website at
Do You Want to Learn PC Hardware Free?

ITM 11 Diagnostic Test
The ITM 11 Diagnostic Test is on Jan 23 (Wed) and 24 (Thurs).
Actually, the test is on Jan 24-25 but due to the Ma19 midterm exam on JAn 25, the test will have to start on Jan 23 instead. Those who signed up on Jan 25 (which is cancelled), they are automatically transferred to Jan 23 if there is no conflict.
Thank you.
Anna Siman-Geronimo
Quantitative Methods & Information Technology
John Gokongwei School of Management
Tel # 4266001 to 10 local 5541
Telefax # 4266076
ALAC and Myth Week: Dark Moment: A Mythological Festival
On Jan. 22 I encourage you to watch a film on Mythology. We haven'tplanned it yet, but we'll make sure that you leave the MultipurposeRoom (nasa RMT siya), you'll leave amazed (sana)!
Jan. 23 is reserved for the seminar. The seminar will not cover the ever-so obsolete Western Mythology; speakers from the Japanese Studies Program and Chinese Studies Program will talk about their respective Mythology and will incorporate it in today's modern living.
Finally, Jan 25 is dedicated to... get this... a COSPLAY EVENT where everyone is invited to join! Again, be yourself! Dress up like your favorite myth character; we know that you guys have to spend a lot for your costumes, but you can dress up in simple clothes and some make up and POOF! You are Hera (or Fenrir, or Odin)! By the way, you will be parading around LS (Xavier around College Lane and back to Xavier lang) and people from the Freelance Art Society will take pictures of you!Also on this day is our Food Fest Contest! You have to cook it at home though, because the Ateneo discourages cooking contests.You can cook anything you like, and make up a strange and crazy name for them. Your dishes will be judged by appearance, taste, originalityand preparation (obviously, the biggest factor is taste, which is awhopping 50%). PRIZES ARE AT STAKE!!!
Finally on this day, you will enjoy a relaxing culminating activity onthe MVP Roof Deck. There will be the awarding ceremonies, and a short AVP of what happened during the week. There will be an agape afterwards.
Hope to see you in the contest and exhibits!
--Myta Santiago
16th Family Business Breakfast Roundtable
The Sixteenth Family Business Breakfast Roundtable
Who does what?
Who's the boss?
How do siblings keep the peace in the family?
Hear from a successful family business run by siblings!
Who says all is fair in the family business?
Ms. Cecille Conti Marañon
Ms. Carolina Conti Sumulong
Ms. Angie Conti Martinez
CONTI'S PASTRY SHOP & RESTAURANT was started by three sisters - Cecille, Caroland Angie. It began as a home-based food order business serving customers in BFHomes, Parañaque, Las Piñas and Alabang in October, 1997. The company'sultimate goal is to provide quality food and service at reasonable prices. The hands-on management style of its owners and the able support of the staff proved to be the main factors behind the growth of Conti’s. Over the years, the company has successfully ventured into catering, take home orders and functions for special occasions. The establishment of a three story building in 1999 at#61 President Ave., BF Homes, Parañaque likewise enhanced its image as a nextdoor family restaurant. In 2005 a branch was opened in the northern part of the metropolis at Fox Square Building, Connecticut St. Greenhills, San Juan. This was followed by another one in Serendra, at Fort Bonifacio, Makati. Recently,they opened their newest branch in Trinoma, North EDSA, Quezon City. CONTI’S serves clients in Metro Manila and nearby provinces. Kraft Phils., Sanofi,Astec, Integrated Microelectronics Inc., Avon Cosmetics Inc., Alcatel, EventCircuits Inc., Sara Lee, Bank of the Phil. Island (BPI) and Southridge Schoolare some of the big companies who avail of its catering services. Everydayhundreds of customers patronize its full service restaurants to try theirpopular dishes and cakes such as Baked Salmon, Beef Salpicao, Mango RoyaleSalad, Mango Bravo, Chicken Pie, Banana Cream Torte and Strawberry ShortCake.
The Sixteenth Session will be held on Wednesday, January 30, 2008 from 7:30 to10:00 am. Our venue for the Family Business Breakfast Roundtable will be Meeting Room 1, 2 & 3 Rockwell Leisure Club, Rockwell Center, Makati City. Registration fee is PhP700.00 inclusive of breakfast. Only a maximum of 50 participants will be accommodated.
For reservations, please contact:
Ms. Jen Mendoza at 928-3503,
Ms. Cristy Mandagan at 426-4691,
You may also fax your completed registration form to 426-4691
We hope you can be a part of what will certainly be a fruitful and relevantdiscussion on sibling relationships in the Family Business.
Prof. Ricky H. Mercado
Family Business Development Center
Prof. Terry L. Galura
Associate Director
Family Business Development Center
Individually Guided Holy Week Retreat
The Center for Ignatian Spirituality (CIS Phil) invites you to come away and experience the Individually Guided Holy Week Retreat. Based on Saint Ignatius of Loyola\'s Spiritual Exercises, this retreat is for men and women who long for a deep encounter with God, and who desire to pray in unity with the whole Church as it commemorates the Lord's passion, death and resurrection. It will be held on March 19-23, 2008at Sacred Heart Novitiate, Jesuit Retreat House and Seminar Center,Novaliches, Quezon City and San Jose Seminary, Ateneo de Manila University Campus, Loyola Heights, Quezon City.
Through the years, the Center for Ignatian Spirituality Philippines has been providing individually guided days of prayer based on the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola.
This individually guided retreat is a good opportunity to reflect on the past year, to savor concrete life events and to notice the uniqueway by which God invites individuals to share in His Paschal Mystery.
Distinct from the usual preached type of retreat, each retreatants is provided a guide who he/she meets each day to share fruits of prayer according to the prayer matter suggested. Retreatants pray privately three to four times a day with each prayer period lasting from thirty minutes to an hour.
The Holy Week Triduum is a very good time to take some days off from home and work in order to engage God in quiet prayer and to prepare for the great Easter mysteries. The rich liturgy of the Paschal Triduum is presided over by the Jesuit fathers of Sacred Heart Novitiate and San Jose Seminary.
The Retreat begins at dusk of Holy Wednesday, and ends mid-day of Easter Sunday.
Program Cost: Php 3,200.00 (inclusive of board and lodging and materials)
*A non-refundable reservation fee of Php 1,000.00 is required upon submission of the registration form.
Deadline for registration is on February 27, 2008.
(Make checks payable to Center for Ignatian Spirituality.)
You may also deposit to:
Acct No. 3081-1105-56 BPI Loyola Katipunan
Acct Name: Center for Ignatian Spirituality
Fax the deposit slip to 426-4250
*Spartan room accommodations (no air-conditioning units and private bathrooms)
Center for Ignatian Spirituality (Phil)
Individually-Guided Holy Week Retreat
____ I want to apply for the individually guided Holy Week Retreat
Nickname:___________________ Birth date: M/______ /D/_______/Y/______/
Sex:______ Religion:_______________ Occupation:_________________________
Home address:________________________________________________________
Office address:________________________________________________________
Position/Rank: ________________________________________________________
E-mail address:________________________________________________________
Land phone:_______________________ Mobile:_____________________________
If member of a religious order, what congregation or lay community doyou belong to? ________________________________________________________
No. of years in the congregation/community:____________________________
If lay, single or married?______________ No. of children:_____________
Have you made any retreat in the past? Yes______ No______
Group_____ Individual_____ When?_________________ How long? ___________
Name of retreat director/directress:___________________________________
Have you received any spiritual direction in the past? ________________
If yes, with whom?______________________________ How long?____________
Are you currently under the care of a physician/counselor/or therapist?
(If yes, please indicate.)___________________________________________________________________
Are you taking any medications? Yes______ No_______
(If yes, please list which medications and the corresponding purpose.)___________________________________________________________________
Do you have a preference for a retreat guide? Yes______ No_______
If yes, please check your preference:Lay_______ Religious_______ Priest_______ Brother/Scholastic_______
(We presume on the part of all applicants a willingness to be guided bya lay retreat guide.)
Please indicate if you have diet restrictions:___________________________________________________________
Name of person to notify in case of emergency:_________________________
Contact No/s.: ________________________________
For Reservation and Inquiries:
Spiritual Pastoral Center, Seminary Road
Ateneo de Manila University Campus
Loyola Heights, 1108 Quezon City
Telephone: 426-4250/51 Fax: 426-4250
Summer Programs on Ignatian Retreat Giving & Spiritual Direction 2008
The Center for Ignatian Spirituality, Phil. is offering a progressive series of courses committed to the development of qualified givers of individually guided Ignatian retreats. Participants may take any ofthe four modules provided that the prerequisites have been fulfilled.
All modules may be credited at three (3) units per module for those who will take the option of earning credit for the degree course in Spirituality and Retreat Directing at Loyola School of Theology.
I am interested to participate in the following module/s:
____ Foundations for Directed Retreat
____ Fundamentals of Directed Retreat Giving
____ Supervised Retreat Giving Experience
____ Seminar on Giving the Spiritual Exercises
Mod IV-A ____ Mod IV-B ____ Mod IV-C ____
____ Preached Retreat Animation in Ignatian Spiritual Exercises
Full Name:____________________________________________________________
Nickname: _____________________ Birth date: /M/______ /D/______ /Y/______
Sex: _______ Religion: _______________ Occupation: _____________________
Home address: ____________________________________________________________________
Office address: ____________________________________________________________________
E-mail address:_______________________________________________________
Land phone: _______________________ Mobile:_____________________________ If member of a religious order, what congregation do you belong to?___________________________________________________________________
No. of years in the congregation/community: _____________________________
If lay, single or married? _____________ No. of children: ______________
Have you attended any retreats in the past? Yes _____ No ____
____ Group ___ Individual; When?__________________ How long? _____________
Name of retreat director/directress: ____________________________________
Have you received any spiritual direction in the past? _________________
If Yes: With whom? _____________________________ How long? _____________
Have you participated in any CIS program or any training in SpiritualDirection? Yes _____ No ____
Which program/s? ___________________________________________________________________
Reason for participating in the program/s:______________________________________
Indicate what type of accommodations you prefer:
Single occupancy ____ Double occupancy ____
Please indicate if you have diet restrictions:
Please complete this form and mail or fax to CIS (Phil), (Refer toaddress/fax number below). Upon submission, CIS will contact you for interview and other requirements for application. Upon acceptance intothe program, please confirm your participation by paying the required non-refundable fee. (See below for details and schedule of fees. Make checks payable to Center for Ignatian Spirituality.)
For Reservation and Inquiries:
Spiritual Pastoral Center, Seminary Road
Ateneo de Manila University Campus
Loyola Heights, 1108 Quezon City
Telephone: 426-4250/51 Fax: 426-4250
Ateneo de Manila University Campus
Loyola Heights, 1108 Quezon City
Mail: P.O. Box 240, U.P. Post Office, 1144 Quezon City
Telephone: 426-6430 to 35 Fax: 426-5967
Module I
Foundations for Directed Retreat
An interior life grounded in authentic prayer and a profound experience of God are paramount in building one's competency in retreat giving. This course is for persons who have no personal experience of an individually guided retreat. It seeks to provide the participants an opportunity to:
1) experience God and God's love
2) notice and relish one's experience of God
3) develop the ability to pray affectively and relationally
4) become acquainted with Ignatian prayer methods
5) increase one's sensitivity to one's interior reactions/affective responses to God's presence in one's life
6) become familiar with the dimensions and dynamics involved in thedevelopment of one's relationship with God
Course Features:
Orientation to Prayer
Five-day Individually Directed Silent RetreatAppropriation
Module II
Fundamentals of Directed Retreat Giving
This course endeavors to equip the participants with the basics of directed retreat giving. Particularly designed for those who wish to undergo a systematized training in directed retreat-giving, this program aims to help participants to:
1) become acquainted with the nature, focus, and scope of spiritual direction as well as issues related the dynamics of spiritual direction
2) learn basic helper skills
Course Features:
The Life of Ignatius of Loyola and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola
The Nature of Spiritual Direction, Religious Experience, Contemplative Model of Spiritual Direction, Discernment of Spirits, Blocks/Resistances in the Spiritual Direction Process
Models of Development: Psycho-social, Psycho-sexual,Moral and Faith Ethical Issues
Basic Helper Skills, Supervision, Retreat Framework
Module III
Supervised Retreat Giving Experience
This module provides an opportunity for retreat directors-in-training to guide persons through a five-day silent retreat during the LentenTriduum. It aims to help participants:
1) acquire an experience in directed retreat giving
2) gain personal experience of supervised retreat givingModule IV Seminar on Giving the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola
(Prerequisite: Modules II and III or equivalent program, and 8-DayRetreat or 19th Annotation Retreat or 30-Day Retreat.)
Intended to present an opportunity for participants to aquire aworking knowledge of the specific sections and texts of the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius, this advance module aims to help theparticipants to develop a more adequate understanding of the Exercises.
Mod IV-A: The Annotations and the First Week of the Spiritual Exercises
Mod IV-B: The Second Week of the Spiritual Exercises
Mod IV-C: The Third and Fourth Weeks of the Spiritual Exercises
Module V
Preached Retreat Animation in Ignatian Spiritual Exercises
This course is intended to provide participants with the skills to design and give recollections and preached retreats as well as the know-how and skills of small group discussion facilitation.
Course Features:
General Profile of Youth and Adult Sectors of Society
Principles of Adult Learning Design and Presentation of Modules
Evaluation of Design and Presentation Skills
Give Preached Retreats According to Themes of the Spiritual Exercises
Program Venue
Jesuit Retreat House and and Seminar Center
P.O. Box 172, Novaliches, 1147 Quezon City, Philippines
Tel: 939-5060 / 461-7453 Tel/Fax: 939-5069
Dates and Costing: Summer Programs on Ignatian Retreat Giving
Module I
(Limited to 20 participants only)
Dates: February 27; 5pm-March 6, 2008; 5pm
Program cost: (includes tuition fee and board and lodging)
PhP 8,900.00 (single occupancy)
Module II
(Prerequisite: Module I or any equivalent program)
Dates: March 7; 5pm-March 18, 2008; 5pm
Program cost: (includes tuition fee and board and lodging)
PhP 15,000.00 (double occupancy) orPhP 15,400.00 (single occupancy)
Module III
(Prerequisite: Modules I and II or any equivalent program)
With Practicum:
Dates: March 14; 5pm-March 25, 2008; 5pm
Program cost: (includes tuition fee and board and lodging)
PhP 15,800.00 (double occupancy) orPhP 16,300.00 (single occupancy)
Without Practicum:
Dates: March 19; 5pm-March 25, 2008; 5pm
Program cost: (includes tuition fee and board and lodging)
PhP 8,600.00 (double occupancy) orPhP 9,000.00 (single occupancy)
Module IV-A
Dates: March 26; 5pm-March 29, 2008; 5pm
Program cost: (includes tuition fee and board and lodging)
PhP 5,900.00 (single occupancy)
Module IV-B
Dates: March 29; 5pm-April 4, 2008; 5pm
Program cost: (includes tuition fee and board and lodging)
PhP 7,400.00 (single occupancy)
Module IV-C
Dates: April 4; 5pm-April 8, 2008; 5pm
Program cost: (includes tuition fee and board and lodging)
PhP 4,400.00 (single occupancy)
Dates: April 8; 5pm-April 11, 2008; 5pm
Program cost: (includes tuition fee and board and lodging)
Php 4,400.00 (single occupancy)
Full attendance in each module applied for is required for Certificate of Completion.
Limited partial scholarships available: requests for scholarship mustbe in written form addressed to Fr. Celerino M. Reyes, SJ, CIS ExecutiveDirector
Deadline for application is on January 30, 2008.Applicants may be interviewed by CIS Staff.
Upon acceptance into the program, please confirm your participation bypaying 30% non-refundable registration fee.(Make checks payable to Center for Ignatian Spirituality.)
You may also deposit to:
Acct No. 3081-1105-56 BPI Loyola Katipunan
Acct Name: Center for Ignatian Spirituality
Fax the deposit slip to 426-4250
N.B. For participants who will take the option of earning credit for the degree course in Spirituality and Retreat Directing, all courses will be credited.
All modules will be held at Sacred Heart Retreat House and Seminar Center. San Jose Seminary will also be a venue for the Holy Week Retreat which forms part of module III. The environment provides a conducive setting for silent prayer and private reflection. Room accommodations are Spartan with natural ventilation and commonbathrooms.
Fr. Earl Barredo, SJ (Assistant Director)
Fr. Junjun Borres, SJ
Sch. Ron Duñgo, SJ
Ms. Eva Galvey
Mrs. Tina Mossesgeld (Programs Officer)
Fr. Cel Reyes, SJ (Executive Director)
Sch. Atoy Salazar, III, SJ
Marie Sandrino (Administrative Asst.)
Joy Drilon-Panti (Programs Asst.)
Service-Learning Panel Discussion
Experiences in Service-Learning
Friday, January 18, 2008
4:30 to 6:00 p.m.
SEC Lecture Hall B
Roberto Guevara, Theology Department
Dr. Norman Marquez Health Sciences Program
Dr. Darwin Yu, Leadership and Strategy Department
Leland Joseph R. Dela Cruz, Development Studies Program
This will be counted as a TFI Follow-up Session
70th Season UAAP Football Tournament
Event Host: Ateneo de Manila University
Men’s Division
1. University of Santo Tomas
2. Far Eastern University
3. University of the Philippines
4. Ateneo de Manila University
5. University of the East
6. De la Salle University
Women’s Division
1. Far Eastern University
2. University of Santo Tomas
3. University of the Philippines
4. Ateneo de Manila University
5. De la Salle University
Juniors Division (Demo)
1. De la Salle University
2. Ateneo de Manila University
3. University of Santo Tomas
4. Far Eastern University
January 19, 2008 - Saturday
1:00pm ADMU vs FEU (J) Erenchun Field (1)
3:00pm UST vs DLSZ (J) Erenchun Field (1)
January 20, 2008 - Sunday
M# 7 10:00am DLSU vs FEU (M) Erenchun Field (1)
M# 8 1:00pm UE vs UP (M) Erenchun Field (1)
M# 9 3:00pm UST vs ADMU (M) Erenchun Field (1)
M# 5 1:00pm DLSU vs UP (W) Ocampo Field (2)
M# 6 3:00pm FEU vs UST (W) Ocampo Field (2)
January 23, 2008 - Wednesday
M# 10 3:00pm ADMU vs FEU (M) Ocampo Field (2)
M# 11 1:00pm UP vs UST (M) Erenchun Field (1)
M# 12 3:00pm DLSU vs UE (M) Erenchun Field (1)
January 24, 2008 - Thursday
M# 7 1:00pm ADMU vs UST (W) Erenchun Field (1)
M# 8 3:00pm DLSU vs FEU (W) Erenchun Field (1)
January 26, 2008 - Saturday
1:00pm DLSZ vs ADMU (J) Erenchun Field (1)
3:00pm UST vs FEU (J) Erenchun Field (1)
January 27, 2008 - Sunday
M#13 10:00am DLSU vs UP (M) Ocampo Field (2)
M#14 1:00pm UST vs FEU (M) Erenchun Field (1)
M#15 3:00pm ADMU vs UE (M) Erenchun Field (1)
M# 9 1:00pm DLSU vs ADMU (W) Ocampo Field (2)
M# 10 3:00pm UP vs FEU (W) Ocampo Field (2)
· Teams on the left side must wear light uniform
[Blueboard] SITUATION REPORT - Wednesday, 9 January 2008
The Situation Report of 9 January 2008, with relevant photos, is posted at
It may also be downloaded as a Word file from
POWER: The replacement of Rizal library’s transformer was completed as scheduled over the weekend. Power outages needed to energize the transformer did not disrupt operations on campus.
SECURITY: Personal belongings continue to be misplaced but were fortunately found and returned to the owners.
*2:45 p.m., Sunday 23 Dec 2007: High School roving guard SG BEN A VILLAGRACIA found an Apple iPold in the High School loading and unloading area. It was claimed by the owner at 12:35 p.m. Saturday, 5 January 2008.
*9:20 a.m., Wednesday 2 Jan 2008: Loyola Schools roving guard SG ANTONIO A PARNADA found a maroon pouch at the Xavier Hall lobby. The pouch contained cash, cell phone, ATM cards and driver’s license.
*9:30 a.m., Wednesday 2 Jan 2008: Owner claiming the maroon pouch with all contents intact at the security office.
*1:20 p.m., Monday 7 Jan 2008: A Loyola Schools student found a Nokia cell phone on the ground in front of De la Costa Hall and turned it over to campus security. At 1:30 p.m., the owner of the phone claimed it at the security office.
*3:05 p.m., Monday 7 Jan 2008: Mateo Ricci guard SG JECSON N RUTAGINES found an unattended Motorola cell phone inside computer room B. At 3:35 p.m. owner claimed the cell phone at the security office.
*10:42 p.m., Tuesday 8 Jan 2008: Night-shift roving guard SG JEFFREY C BALLESTER found a wallet with P1,522 cash, ATM cards and driver’s license near the guard house of Gate 2.5. The owner was notified. He claimed the wallet at 10:15 a.m. Wednesday, 9 Jan 2008. The owner explained that he dropped his wallet while boarding his vehicle.
No losses among the Ateneo units were reported during the Christmas break. However, one of the affiliated units, Loyola School of Theology reported last Monday morning that the copper pipes of the split type air conditioning unit was missing and believed stolen last Sunday, 6 January 2008.
At 10:30 a.m. yesterday, an alert LST maintenance personnel MR. CARLITO B. MEJIA saw a teenage scavenger cutting the remaining copper pipe connected to the condensing unit of the aircon. The boy evaded him by running into the forested area. He was reported to campus security.
At 9:30 a.m. this morning, campus security apprehended the boy at the Grade School area. He turned out to be an 11-year old resident of Purok # 5, Malanday, Marikina City . The boy admitted stealing the copper tube to sell if for scrap. He was turned over to Barangay Barangka where his parents were called and informed of what he has been doing.
Unlocked cars: Early Monday morning, 7 Jan 2008 two cars were found unlocked at the diversion road carpark. The community is reminded to please lock your cars after parking. Let us start the year right by being more careful on campus.
TRAFFIC: Traffic inside the UP Diliman campus was rerouted from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. last Monday due to the UP Centennial celebration.
Please email comments to Visit the University Physical Plant website at
Web news update (Wednesday, 9 January 2008)
o Congratulations to all the successful college freshman applicants for SY 2008-2009! For results, please visit the Website.
o Special Ateneo High School entrance exam to be given on January 19.
o Homily at the Simbanggabi Mass
o Graduation rites held for MPM students in Calapan City
o OIC appointed for Ateneo Grade School
o Senator Angara tackles the future of our country through education at 6th JVO forum
o Healing with a heart: Ateneo rebuilds Filipino culture for doctors
o 5th Horacio de la Costa Cup Golf Tournament (in Alumni Events)
o Sci 10 plenary lecture on understanding climate change, Jan. 9
o Italian Embassy cultural attaché: 'Welcome to Italy!', Jan. 9
o ASMPH to hold open house for medical school applicants, Jan. 12
o First Future Leaders of Asia Forum on Social Entrepreneurship, Jan. 17-19
o Ateneo Graduate and Professional Schools Admission Test ScheduleSY 2008-2009
o Nominations for the Loyola Schools Awards for Leadership and Service
(Visit the High School homepage)
Visit your Unit Homepage for updates. Check out 'Ateneo this week' for weekly campus activities. We welcome news, features, and announcements from the Ateneo community. Please send your materials to Thank you!
The Garage Workshops for January and February
January and February 2008
- Basic Adobe® Illustrator® CS3
- Photoworks @ The Garage
Limited slots available. Register now to receive our early bird discount!=========================================================================*Basic *Basic Adobe® Illustrator® CS3*
Discover how to transform your ideas into vector graphics. With Basic Adobe Illustrator CS3, you will get to use the same industry-standard drawing tools for creating logos, posters, brochures, presentations, Websites, and more.
Schedule of classes: January 29 and 31, February 5 and 7, 6:30-9:30pm
Total number of hours: 12 hours
Instructor: Aman Santos
Regular course fee: Php4,000
Promo fee: Php3,600
Deadline for registration: January 23, 2008
Promo deadline: January 18, 2008
*Photoworks @ The Garage*
The brainchild of Mr. Leo Castillo, Photoworks is a workshop designed to helpbuild a solid foundation on the art and craft of photography. Leo created it based on his studies at the New York Film Academy and the New York Institute ofPhotography. With his background in film, photography and production, combined with his expertise in training and development, he created the workshop in 2002.It has since grown to become an acclaimed photography class producing more than 500 photographers, some of whom have become professionals.
Schedule of classes: February 6, 11, 13, 18, 20, 27; 7:00-10:00pm
Total number of hours: 18 hours
Instructor: Leo Castillo
Regular course fee: Php4,500
Promo fee: Php4,000
Deadline for registration: February 1, 2008
Promo deadline: January 25, 2008
Course fee includes computer use (for Basic Adobe Illustrator CS3), workshop materials, food, and certificate.
For inquiries, please email or or call 4265971 to 72 local 221. You may also visit for more information about The Garage and ourworkshops. Thank you and God bless
Guided Tour at Ateneo Art Gallery by Dr. Leo Garcia
Passion and Compassion: A Collector's View
with Dr. Leo Garcia - the collector himself,
of the artworks of Lao Lianben shown in the exhibition.
The Schedule of the guided tours are as follow:
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: 9:00 - 9:40 am
10:00 - 10:40
11:00 - 11:40
3:30 - 4:10 pm
The exhibition will run until 15 February 2008
Kindly call the gallery a day before your visit. Tours will be given to a minimum of 3 persons.
AMPC Patronage Receipts
AMPC members may submit
AMPC receipts dated January 1 to December 31, 2007
to the AMPC Office starting now.
Staple all your receipts for the month together.
Put the receipts inside an envelope.
Write the monthly totals on a sheet of paper
with your name, office and contact number (see below).
Paste this outside the envelope:
January 2007 ____________
February 2007 ____________
March 2007 ____________
April 2007 ____________
May 2007 ____________
June 2007 ____________
July 2007 ____________
August 2007 ____________
September 2007 ____________
October 2007 ____________
November 2007 ____________
December 2007 ____________
GRAND TOTAL ____________
Deadline for submission:
Officer-in-Charge, Ateneo Grade School
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
As our community knows, Fr. Jose Moises Fermin, S.J., will be leaving for tertianship in Australia the middle of January. The Leadership Transition Committee is also meeting to finalize its recommendations regarding a new Headmaster for the Ateneo Grade School to take office April 1, 2008. I will also be away for the Jesuit 35th General Congregation from January 5, 2008 till early March.
After consultations and meetings with the Grade School Administrative team, I am appointing Mr. Jose P. Salvador, Jr. as Officer-in-Charge (OIC) of the Ateneo de Manila Grade School effective January 7, 2008.
I have met with Fr. Fermin and the A-Team to discuss the important decisions that will be coming up during the next three months and to agree on the process to be followed for them. In case of important decisions, I have informed Mr. Salvador and the A-Team to communicate with me by e-mail. I would like to ask the Ateneo Grade School community for your continuing support of Mr. Salvador and the A-Team.
I would like to thank Fr. Fermin for his leadership over the last seven years. During these years, the Grade School has seen new buildings and new and improved facilities, much greater effort to improve academic performance especially through the benchmarking with Singapore , renewed formation in character and discipline, and growth in faculty development and formation. I would also like to thank Fr. Fermin for the wonderful community spirit among faculty, administrators, staff, students and parents that is so apparent to all who visit the Grade School. As he enters the last stage of Jesuit formation, tertianship, which we know as a school of the heart, I ask our community to remember him in your prayers. Again, thank you, Fr. Joey,
for your legacy of leadership and community-building in the Ateneo Grade School .
Looking for a different kind of gig? :)


Para sa mga Loyola Schools Personnel, mula January 11 hanggang January 30 ay makakakita kayo ng freedom wall sa loob ng paaralan kung saan maaari ninyong i-nomina ang mga Non Teaching Staff ng Ateneo na siyang nagsisilbing HERO para sa inyo. (Paramihan ito ng pangalan sa freedom wall!)
Para sa pag-nonomina ipadala ang mga sumusunod na impormasyon:
Brought to you by the
Sanggunian School of Social Sciences School Board
Hannah Sabrina B. Cocos 0915.432.30. 59

Sumilao Farmers' Manifesto Dec. 21
Dear friends,
Christmas greetings and Best wishes this coming year!
The Sumilao farmers 1700-km walk for land and justice forced many of us to take care of the basics: dignity, family, solidarity.
May we share with you their December 21 Manifesto and may we continue to accompany their continuing journey.
Sumilao Farmers' Manifesto
21 December 2007
On October 10, 2007, we, the Sumilao farmers decided to leave our homes in San Vicente, Sumilao, Bukidnon to march all the way to Metro Manila and demand from the government a just and immediate resolution to the land dispute that has languished for more than a decade. The issue involves a 144-hectare agricultural land whose ownership undeniably belongs to us, the Higaonon farmers of Sumilao. Our struggle to reclaim this land has a strong legal basis, but it has been long, fraught with despair and injustice.
We sought remedies under the existing law to reclaim our land. Some of us had to go on hunger strike a decade ago to pressure the government to resolve the issue. In an uneven battle where the land owner, Norberto Quisumbing, had the resources, the influence, and the impunity to mangle the law and thwart the distribution of the contested land, we only had passion and enduring sense of what is right and what is wrong to demand justice. Quisumbing eventually triumphed in a contest where money and influence won over justice and the rule of law. In a series of unlawful acts, Quisumbing used the loopholes of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law to obtain a land conversion order, thus evading the agrarian reform program. After violating the same conversion order, he sold the property to San Miguel Food Inc. (SMFI), which started constructing a hog farm in the area.
Amid the injustice, we abided by the law and respected the Supreme Court ruling, which upheld Quisumbing's Conversion Order. But more than ten years have passed and Quisumbing failed to implement his conversion plan, a clear violation of the strict rules on conversion. As such, his Order should be revoked and the 144-hectare land must be covered under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) and be distributed to us, Sumilao farmers.
Our long march to Metro Manila carried a simple message: the injustice committed against us must be corrected. The conversion order should be revoked and a cease and desist order should be issued to prevent SMFI from developing the area further rendering it useless as agricultural land. CARP, as a centerpiece program of the government, must be radically reformed and extended to prevent landlords like Quisumbing from manipulating its flaws and to fulfill its promise of social justice and equity. We marched, covering 1,700 kilometers for more than sixty days, enduring fatigue, and braving torturous weather, to demand dignity for us and our fellow farmers.
In our walk for land and justice, it wasn't just our endurance that prevailed. It has been said that we, the Sumilao farmers, symbolized the refusal of the Filipino people to take injustice sitting down. Our voices represent a collective rejection of a status quo where those who till the land are in bondage to an oppressive system and where wealth is in the hands of a few. We were told that we have rekindled the youth's sense of empathy toward the oppressed, and, equally important, their resolve to become active agents of change. Along the way, we have experienced, felt and witnessed solidarity, as manifested by the parishes, local communities, and ordinary citizens who
marched with us in different parts of the country. That the Catholic Church decided to take on our cause is a triumph of solidarity, and for their support, we are deeply grateful. Our walk sent across our message to people all over the country – in the communities that we passed through, in the churches and chapels and schools that sheltered us for a night. We are awed at the show of support that we have witnessed.
If there is one person that we have failed to reach, it is DAR Secretary Nasser Pangandaman. While the local offices and personnel of the DAR had shown their solidarity with us, their Secretary seems to be oblivious of us, our case, our arguments and our plight.
Led by the pastors of the Church and with our brothers and sisters walking by our side, we went back to Malacañang, which refused us audience the first time we went there. The President, upon the request of the leaders of the church, finally gave in and agreed to meet our representatives. The day after, the Office of the President revoked the Conversion Order.
We do not know what made the President decide to revoke the conversion order. Maybe it was the collective and individual prayers of the faithful who believed in us. Perhaps it was the opinions printed in the major news papers and the simple opinions of the people in every street corner that we passed through. Maybe it was the expert opinions of former DAR secretaries and officials as well as other legal luminaries like Fr. Joaquin Bernas, S.J. and Atty. Christian Monsod who told the public about the correctness of our case and the simplicity of the issues involved. Maybe it was the power of our feet whose hundreds of thousands of painful steps brought us to the corridors of power. Maybe President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was touched by our stories.
Maybe it was our sacrifices, our faith in the active yet peaceful means to make our voice heard. Perhaps it was the combination of all these that created an imperative for government to issue the Revocation Order. The Office of the President's Revocation Order is a milestone in our case and for that we are grateful.
However, milestones do not make the journey complete. They are just markers of the distance that we have covered. And our journey towards reclaiming our land remains distant. We may have made a giant step, a thousand more remains ahead. SMFI can still continue to destroy our land by filling every inch of it with concrete. Secretary Pangandaman continues to drag his feet (and everything tied to it) in resolving our case. Yes, this government has made a crucial move, it has to do a thousand more.
We have decided to continue our struggle in the place where we have started this long journey. We are going back to Sumilao, Bukidnon to make our big steps from there. By so doing, we are giving our government the space to fulfill their public pronouncements – that the 144 hectares in Sumilao will be covered by agrarian reform and that we will be reinstated in the land that is rightfully ours. Our 1,700 kilometer walk has created ripples beyond what we have originally envisioned, it created opportunities for major stakeholders in society and in the agrarian reform community to come together and share their commitments.
Our case is far from over. The roads ahead remain dangerous and treacherous. In the last few days, the Church, led by Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales, had expressed its commitment to struggle with us. Our experience with them has developed in us a profound faith towards them. They will remain beside us as we continue to push for more giant steps in our struggle. To the church we entrust the softening of hearts of stone and healing of deaf ears of those in government and big business like SMFI.
Today we end this journey of 1,700 kilometers, but the journey towards achieving our 144-hectare land continues. Should the government fail to live up and make good its promises, we are willing to retrace our steps from Sumilao back to Malacañang, we are even ready to make sacrifices beyond that.